Things to Do With Your Bonus Room
It’s the dream of everyone who buys a house to turn it into a home eventually. That is to say, make it effectively their own and add that unique personal touch. If you’ve recently purchased a home, you might be curious about what to do with that spare room. Well, believe us when we say that the possibilities are endless. We consulted the experts, who gave us some ideas for new homeowners.
Home Gym

Forget about paying for an overpriced gym membership and sharing equipment with strangers. Now you can convert that spare room into your own personal gym, with equipment only you and your partner use. Work out when you want and formulate it around your own personal schedule.
Game Room
Do you fancy the occasional game of pool? Perhaps you’re a foosball aficionado. Many homeowners who enjoy the world of gaming have taken the initiative and set aside a room in their house to cater to these needs. Some have even invested in a few pinball and arcade machines to give them an experience that allows them to relive their formative years.
Home Office
Are you someone who considers yourself a workaholic? Perhaps you’re a professional writer and desire to have your own space to work where distractions are a non-issue. And, of course, having a quiet place to enjoy a glass of wine while you calculate your yearly taxes is always a good thing. With a nice desk and setting up your computer, you can turn that spare room into an office unlike any other.
In-Home Theatre
Much like the gym, many people enjoy going to the theatre and watching a few movies occasionally. But with tickets, concessions, and rowdy audience members, the theatre experience can sometimes be an unpleasant one. To avoid this, consider building a home theatre or entertainment system in that spare room. The seating, sound systems, and theatrical experience can be yours…and you’ll never have to worry about someone kicking the back of your seat ever again.
Nutter Custom Contruction
If you’re ready to transform that spare room to your liking but unsure where to start, you’re in luck. The experts at Nutter Custom Construction have helped thousands achieve their goals of turning their houses into homes. If you’re ready to take that first crucial step, pay us a visit at