Tips for Surviving a Kitchen Renovation
The kitchen is the heart of the home. A remodeled kitchen can transform your space and make preparing meals and entertaining easier. Even though a kitchen renovation is exciting, it can also be difficult. Here are some tips for surviving a kitchen renovation.

When your kitchen is being remodeled, you need a space to prepare your meals. Setting up a temporary kitchen allows you to set up meals for yourself and your family during construction. Some ideal spaces for a temporary kitchen include the basement and garage. You will need a sink for washing dishes and a flat surface for assembling meals, so keep this in mind when arranging for a temporary kitchen area during your remodel. If your garage or basement doesn’t have a sink, you can fill buckets with water or wash dishes in your bathroom sink.
Smaller kitchen appliances can help you and your family eat during your kitchen remodel. Take out the microwave, crockpot, air fryer, electric skillet, and so on when your kitchen is being remodeled so you have access to these items during construction. You can make home-cooked meals using these smaller appliances. You also want access to your refrigerator and freezer during your kitchen remodel, so find a temporary space for these larger appliances so you have a place to store leftovers, meal prep, and groceries.
If the weather is nice during your kitchen remodel, take advantage of the warm weather and your outdoor grill. Setting up your grill to cook meals outside is perfect during a kitchen remodel. It is also the perfect excuse to have a picnic.
Since you won’t have full access to your kitchen during the remodeling process, you want to make your meals as simple and easy as possible. You want to reduce the number of steps and tools it takes to prepare a meal. You also want to use fewer ingredients so you don’t have to worry about storing groceries. Meal prepping is a great way to get through a kitchen remodel. You can make meals in bulk and store them in your freezer so all you have to do is heat them up when it’s time to eat.
Get in touch with Nutter Custom Construction for top-quality kitchen remodeling. Our team of professionals can help you achieve your dream kitchen. Call us at 941-924-1868 to receive a consultation.